Saturday, September 3, 2016

Top 10 Myanmar Travel Destinations

Myanmar is one of the mysterious country in South East Asia and because of its cultural and geographical diversity has retained much of its historic and unique character. Discover the great attractions in Myanmar and the country's wonderful uniqueness.


Yangon is a big and yet not modernized city, with Victorian buildings, tree-lined avenues, lakes and parks and a bustling city centre of friendly vendors, colourful stalls and people going about in their daily chores dressed traditionally in their Longyi and flip-flap sandals. The Bogyoke Aung San market (also called Scott’s Market) is a must for every visitor and so is the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda – the prominent landmark of Myanmar. 
 Yangon is the gateway to Myanmar and has direct air links with Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Seoul, Doha, Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Chiang Mai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Guangzhou, Kunming, Nanning, Gaya and Dhaka.


Mandalay was the last Royal Capital of Myanmar and is located nearly 700 km north of Yangon between the mighty Ayeyarwaddy River and the Shan plateau. Mandalay is considered the centre of Burmese culture, a city of artisans and a trading centre of goods in all directions. The geometric laid out streets, the many bicycles riders, the 8 km long moth and wall around the former Royal Palace, the pagodas and monasteries abound and the sacred Mandalay Hill towering over it all, are some of its most visible features. In the vicinity of Mandalay are the former royal capitals and religious centers of Amarapura, Mingun, Inwa (Ava) and Sagaing, each worth visiting. Mandalay is another gateway to Myanmar and has direct air links with Bangkok, Singapore, Kunming and Chiang Mai.


Bagan, the capital of Myanmar’s first dynasty, was built by King Anawrahta in 1044. It is located about 193 km south of Mandalay. There are over 2000 temples and stupas spreading in 42 square kilometers of desert like plain on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. All those red bricks and stucco religious monuments were built during 11th to 13th century. The magnificent temple architecture, incredibly fine mural or frescos paintings, brilliant stucco carvings, and the most elegant Buddha images, all are telling motifs of the sublime culture of the ancient Bagan dynasties.

4.Inle Lake

A five kilometer long canal suddenly opens up to a wide lake with numerous villages on stilts and floating gardens against the hazy mountain ranges. Fishermen in their shallow boats cast their cone shapedbamboo down in the lake to trap the fish, and the lake dwelling framers tend to their floating gardens from their canoes. 
The best time of the year to visit is during September and October. The ceremonial Hpaung Daw U Festival, which lasts for almost three weeks, is closely followed by the Thadingyut festival of lights. Moreover, the market day of the villages located near Inle Lake offers extremely colorful with freshly grow hill foods and other local products which is another major attractions for all visitors to have a look at.

5.Mrauk U

The 15th century ancient city of Rakhine Kingdom is located in the north-western corner of the country. It was the centre of a mighty kingdom and one of the richest cities in Asia trading with the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Today little remains of the original city except for the many interesting temples and stupas, partly in ruins, dotting the small hills around the new town of Mrauk-U. It is famous for its old temples with wall paintings and religious statues showing the Indian cultural influence.

6.Golden Rock

It looks as if it is just about to fall off the edge of Mount Kyaiktiyo and roll down in to the sweeping landscape of Myanmar. Yet the enormous granite boulder, known as the Golden Rock, has perched precariously here for as long as the land’s recorded history.  The Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, built atop, is, alone, over seven meters in height. The whole edifice is said to be balanced on a single strand of the Buddha’s hair.

7.Kyaing Tong (Keng Tung)

Kyaing Tong, is a town in eastern Shan State, Myanmar and it is also the principle town of Keng Tung Township. 
Kyaing Tong has plenty of hiking, mountain climbing trips in a trekking pilgrimage to nearby mountains to visit the villages of different Shan ethnic tribes, enjoy the breath-taking sceneries along the way while admiring the pagodas along the way.

8.Hpa An

Hpa An is a city located in the southeast of Yangon and about seven hours in the car. Hpa An is surrounded by limestone mountains ranges, is a great place for a short journey. Outside the city is the beauty of the vast green rice fields, with the mountains behind the stone will give you a beautiful sight. There are also lots of templed-caves with unique architecture, layout and the people using as the natural Buddhist temples.

9. Putao

Putao has long been seen as the gateway to climb the mountain ranges of Himalayas. This is a place very familiar to the people wants to try at the climbing. This area has the richest biologically diverse in the world, with an average of 30 to 40 new types of flora and faunas are discovered each year. This is very remote area, and rugged so that you can come here by air. When you are in Putao there is nothing better than the experience exploring forests, mountains, river rafting, massage and enjoy a delicious cocktail after a long day

10. Ngapali and Ngwe beaches

Ngapali is the most popular beach in Myanmar; this is the most beautiful tropical beach on the Bay of Bengal, with white sand beaches and beautiful resorts around. But what makes Ngapali become a favorite site is the seafood here is really delicious, and most of the top chefs for seafood of Myanmar cuisine are present here, that make the food here become the most delicious and exotic.
Besides, you can also move to the beach for a vacation Ngwe beach with more limited budgets, where the relatively unspoiled beaches will be very suitable for tourists who prefer the quiet, in a frame romantic scene

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